Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Sista Lois

There is no reason to be mad about Beyonce getting turned down for the role of Lois Lane in the Superman movie. She wouldn't have been that good anyway. Fighting Temptations and Austin Powers failed to move me into supporting her acting career. She(and all her other crossover entertaining, non acting friends) should stick to singing. The real travesty would have been the blatant, unwarranted manipulation of the Superman property that would have to happen to make Lois Lane black.

I'm a proud black man. I love my black people (especially my fine black sistas). I rarely go see movies without black leads or casts. I like seeing black people in movies just as much as anybody else. It's not about that. Besides its ridiculous for anyone to say that I have to support all black people because I'm black. Soul Plane. Need I say more?

As a comic book fan I would be outraged to see a black Lois Lane. A black Superman. A black Spiderman. A black Batman. I hated the fact that they made the Kingpin black in that wack ass Daredevil movie. I really hated that horrible black Catwoman (more because the movie was horrible in itself). Its not that the making them black disgraces them. It is a fundamental change to the character. It's like making an apple pie but instead of using apples you use cherries. That is not an apple pie.

For 60 years the Lois Lane and Superman characters have been burned into our subconscious. Superman the square-jawed, boy scout. Lois Lane the brunette, tough as nails reporter. Over the years they have been interpreted numerous ways. Frank Miller made Superman a government puppet fighting for an ideal that didn't exist. Tweaks can be made and liberties can be taken, but there will never be a day when Superman will answer the door and Louis Lane will be black on the other side. Why? Because it is not how they were created.

There is nothing wrong with creating a white character. There is nothing wrong with making a movie adaptation of your white character and wanting them to be played by a white person. I say exactly the same thing about classic black characters. It is something wrong with trying to make people change their ideas to fit your views of race. People want to force the new ideals of the race into old things. It's not always necessary. Lois Lane, Superman, comic book characters are not where racial battlegrounds should be fought. If we are bringing Superman into our new world of racial diversity let's give him some new black friends. Don't make people black all willy nilly.

It shows a huge amount of disrespect to a persons creation to make it something that it is not. There isn't much of a point in executing your artistic vision if people are just going to do whatever they want to with it. I want to be sure that all the stories, characters, and everything that I am working so hard to create and put out are properly represented the way I want them to be. That's not too much to ask for.


At 6:34 PM, Blogger nikki said...

i agree with you. i say keep lois lane white and just create more black characters in comics. when all i really got is 'storm' as a black female superhero lead in the entire comic book universe, something ain't right.

what about captain america? remember the "experiment"? was it a good idea for the writers to make captain america black?

At 6:55 PM, Blogger Rebel1 said...

the captain america "experiment" was a good story. back in the day it make since they would experiment on the negroes first before they exposed the poster boy to it. i actually gave them credit for telling that story. but as you see they made it real clear your boy was an experiment and not the real captain america. exactly the way it has always been.

good comment

At 11:39 AM, Blogger bedstuy chick said...

I thought cat woman was always black....didnt Eartha Kitt play here in the 70's on the TV show?


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